The driving service Uber is gaining popularity all over the world, including right here in Cedar Rapids. But, before you get into the car, there are a few things you should know about the app.
According to a study by the US Department of Agriculture, the average family of four throws away about $1,500 in food every year! Here are a few ways to keep foods fresh a little longer.
We've all heard the basic tips and tricks for a successful marriage - Trust each other, have a sense of humor, etc., but there are some others that you may not have heard before.
Harley Pasternak, a trainer for celebs like Kim Kardashian and Megan Fox, has 5 tips for all of us normal people trying to lose weight in the new year.
Because Brain and I work in morning radio, a lot of people just assume we are "morning people." That's not necassarily true. But, we do have a few tips for you if you'd like to become one!