Prepare To Have Your Heart Stolen By Dopey! [VIDEO]
American Idol recently had a Disney week, and we're happy to announce that this is our Disney week here on Furry Friday! Amanda from Last Hope Animal Rescue joined us this week to tell us about a family of dogs they have up for adoption at their center. They all have names we think you'll recognize.
The family was found in an abandoned home and rescued. There were mom and dad, and seven adorable puppies. Mom and dad were promptly named Prince Charming and Cinderella while the kiddos were given the names of the seven dwarves. We got to meet Dopey. He and his siblings are around 10 weeks old. They are each up for adoption as are both of his parents. Dopey was pretty laid back during his visit to our studio and was just fine getting all the puppy cuddles he could handle!
If you want a puppy like Dopey or are interested in his parents, you can find out more information about this special family at Last Hope.