98.1 KHAK First Responder Friday Salutes Scott Donohue
Each Friday morning at 6:30 a.m., 98.1 KHAK's Brain & Courtlin pay tribute to an eastern Iowa First Responder. The weekly honoree receives a $25 gift card to Wild Hogs Saloon and Eatery in Walford and a $25 gift card to Honor and Respect.
Today we honor Scott Donohue, who was nominated by McKenzie Arensdorf. Her entry reads:
My dad (Scott) has been a firefighter for as long as I can remember. He started as a Volunteer for Clarence Fire Department, followed by Volunteer for Tipton Fire Department, and has been with Cedar Rapids Fire Department for 19 years. He was recently promoted to Captain and is a member of Iowa Task Force 1. Not only is he a firefighter, but also an amazing father to my two sisters and myself and grandfather to his 7 grandchildren! He does so much and this would be a great way to thank him for everything he does for his family and his community!
Our First Responder Friday winners are selected from nominations submitted by you! You can make a nomination below.