Who in the KHAK Crew is the Worst Singer [VIDEO]
For the most part, "Who in the KHAK Crew?" has not ended well for me. So far I've been voted first to die on a desert island and the worst at flirting, which is why I was very excited when I came across this week's question: Who in the KHAK Crew is the worst singer?
Bob James, Danielle, Brain, and I all went head-to-head to figure out which one of us is the worst at singing. Now, I'll admit that I'm not the greatest singer, but out of the four of us, I'm definitely not the worst! It was nice to be eliminated right away. Also eliminated fairly quickly was Brain, who is pretty darn good at karaoke. I would tell you his favorite song to sing, but even the title is too inappropriate to type (think Tenacious D)!
That means it was between Bob James and Danielle. Who did we decide was the worst singer? Here's the video: