Who in the KHAK Crew is the Most Confident? [WATCH]
Ah, confidence. Something that I know absolutely nothing about. This week's edition of "Who in the KHAK Crew?" asked the question: who among us is the most confident? We discussed the question off the air, then had listeners call in and guess who we chose for a chance at Lost Island Waterpark tickets. Your options were Brain, Bob James, Danielle, and me.
Now, obviously, the answer was not me. I think that people assume I'm confident because I work in radio, but confidence is something I have struggled with since I was just a kid. I've just gotten REALLY good at faking it! That leaves Bob James, Danielle, and Brain. Who did we decide on? Hear it for yourself!
Do you think we made the right choice? A lot of listeners don't think we did, because Danielle got SIX guesses in a row! If you'd like to chime in on the conversation, feel free to post a comment below!