Who in the KHAK Crew is the Most Competitive? [WATCH]
It was another competitive week on 'Who in the KHAK Crew!" Danielle and Bob James joined Brain and me in the studio for another fun edition of the game, and it wasn't too awful to win this week! The question was: Who in the KHAK Crew is the most competitive?
To be totally honest with you, I had a tiny feeling that I would be chosen this week's winner, but I wanted to see how things played out. My tiny feeling ended up being correct when EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM turned and looked at me immediately! I knew there was a chance I would be chosen, but I expected a little bit more of a debate! Come on, guys!
I can't say I'm mad about it, though. You know who's competitive? Winners, that's who! There's nothing that feels better than winning! In case you missed it, here's this week's debate:
Listen for another 'Who in the KHAK Crew' next Thursday at 8:10 a.m.!