Who in the KHAK Crew Gets Into Facebook Arguments? [WATCH]
Ah, Thursdays! Today we played another rousing game of 'Who in the KHAK Crew?' and coming to our decision was not difficult at all. Our question this week was: Who in the KHAK Crew is most likely to get into an argument on Facebook?
In the past couple of years, it seems like Facebook has become a breeding place for negativity. Everybody has an opinion and everybody feels like their opinion is the only one that matters. I don't know about you, but I think trying to change people's minds on social media is just exhausting. I stopped arguing a couple of years ago. All I want to see is funny videos, photos of your babies and pets, and slightly inappropriate memes.
So who DID we choose as this week's winner? This week it was all about BRAIN! Here's how we came to our conclusion:
Do you think we made the right choice? Check out some of the guesses from Facebook: