Veterans To Be Honored Thursday in Cedar Rapids [PHOTOS]
Here in the United States of America, we are known as the land of the free, because of the brave.
The courage and sacrifice instilled in our veterans and manifested on our behalf can never be repaid. It's this Thursday, November 11 that the calendar tells us we should set aside a day to honor them, but as we know, we should do it every day besides Veterans' Day.
Once again, Cedar Rapids will host a special ceremony for them on Thursday at the Veterans Memorial Building downtown on 2nd Avenue. According to a press release, the program will include the presentation of the colors, guest speaker John Nieland, a volley salute, and more. Throughout the day, the lobby will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to view the Memorial Window by Grant Wood and with access to the public for three military displays.
Tish Young is the Veterans Memorial Program coordinator and sent me some pictures of the coliseum as it's being set up for Thursday's program. Veteran banners from the Freedom Festival outreach program will be displayed.
We all likely have a veteran or several in our families or circle of friends. I'm thinking of my two grandfathers, an uncle (whom I just lost this year) as well as my sister among many who have served. This service is a salute to them as well as our active military.
Parking is free for the event that morning. They would love to see you. The service, sponsored by the Metro Veterans Council will begin at 10 a.m. and last approximately one hour.