Iowans have shown a quirky twist in their perception of property crime lately. Despite an overall 12% drop in worry, The latest Safewise State of Safety survey has folks chirping about a 7% uptick in actual incidents—putting more locks on their concerns at 29%, up from 27% last year. 

Meanwhile, Iowa’s property crime rate has slimmed down nicely from 15.7 incidents per 1,000 folks to a svelte 13.8. That’s 33% below the national average of 20.7, making Iowa look like it’s training for a crime-free marathon. And it looks good on you Iowa.  


Sure, burglaries are more of a thing here (16% vs. 13% nationally), but in the safest corners, they’re nearly 24% less likely to pop up unexpectedly. 

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Despite all this, property crime still sneaks into third place on the worry list for 43% of Iowa survey-takers. Many are arming themselves with security cameras (the paparazzi of protection at 35%), guard dogs (30%), and even firearms (28%). Surprising to see cameras taking up the lead in property protection.  I guess while we’re at it, some of the biggest sellers of home security cameras, Ring, Lorex, and Wyze.  Wyze is popular, after reading customer reviews, because they don’t require a subscription service as many others do.  Some of the big names in guard dogs, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Mini-Dachshund, very scary.   If none of that works maybe some loose tumbleweed blowing around and eerie sounds playing on a loudspeaker will keep would-be wrongdoers at bay.  

So, while some are beefing up their fortresses by 28% (compared to 35% nationwide), others are realizing that fear might just be a little overblown.   

Where to 'Glamp' in Iowa in 2024

Want to have a camping experience without having to sleep on the ground? There are plenty of options here in Iowa! Here are 12 places that you can go "glamping" in Iowa this summer:

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