USA ‘Shooter’ Now Pushed to Fall 2016 After Baton Rouge Shooting
USA ‘Shooter’ Now Pushed to Fall 2016 After Baton Rouge Shooting
USA ‘Shooter’ Now Pushed to Fall 2016 After Baton Rouge Shooting
Gun violence in America was enough of an issue without USA frantically trying to schedule its Shooter adaptation around mass shootings, and it seems another rash of destruction has the network on edge. Following an already-delayed premiere, Shooter will now move to fall 2016 in deference to the Baton Rouge attacks, potentially even changing its title.
Iowans Apparently Like Putting ‘LeBron’ on Their Resumes?
Iowans Apparently Like Putting ‘LeBron’ on Their Resumes?
Iowans Apparently Like Putting ‘LeBron’ on Their Resumes?
A new study set out to find the weirdest interest that people in each state disproportionately put on their resumes, and for Iowans, that interest is "LeBron." If you include the section "additional interests" on your resume, it can sometimes be a little tricky figuring out what to put in there...

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