Say ‘YES’ to the Insane Inflatable 5K [VIDEO]
We're just a few short weeks away from the Insane Inflatable 5K Saturday, June 17 at Hawkeye Downs in Cedar Rapids. It's all brought to you by Dave Wright Subaru! If you're still trying to decide if it's for you, these people should definitely make you realize the answer is 'YES.'
If you weren't already convinced to take a run, or walk (it's totally up to you), at this year's Insane Inflatable 5k, I'm sure seeing just how much fun everybody has is compelling you to finally get signed up! Take it from someone who's done it two years in a row... you'll have a blast!
Now's a great time to register because there's a price increase this Saturday, May 13. Sign up now to save a few bucks and I'll even help you save a few more! Use the discount code RAPIDSDJ15 to cash in a 15 percent discount when you register.
Once you're signed up, start planning your attack against the 12 giant inflatables along the course. I'll see you June 17th... just please don't leave me in your dust.