Our New KHAK ‘Teacher of the Week’ Comes From CRCSD
It's Friday, which means we need to honor another amazing teacher with our KHAK 'Teacher of the Week' award!
This week's winner is Karyn Karr, a 4th-grade teacher at Jackson Elementary School in Cedar Rapids! Karyn was nominated anonymously. The entry reads:
"Ms. Karr is an amazing teacher! She lets each student feel so special, not only when they’re in her class, but even in the years after! My son was really nervous about his teacher for this year, as he loved having Ms. Karr last year, but she talked to him at open house and let him know he was going to be great and that she chose him to be in this specific teacher's class for a reason! He walked out of her room and said, 'mom, I got this. Ms. Karr just boosted my confidence!' I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher for my son, and now my daughter this year!"
For being such a wonderful teacher, Karyn will be receiving gift cards to Half Price Books and Wild Hogs Saloon & Eatery.
Do you know a great teacher? Nominate them to be a 'Teacher of the Week' HERE!