The current Lifeline phone number for those who are in need is 1-800-273-8255. This number will always remain available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, even after 988 is launched nationally. (SOURCE: Suicide Prevention Hotline)


Mental health is a major issue in our country today, and it's important for anyone experiencing mental health issues to have a place to go or someone to talk to. Sometimes, there's nothing more crucial than someone who is simply there to listen.

Nationally, there is a new number set to launch this Saturday that is designed to connect anyone in need, at any time, with a trained behavioral health expert. This new number, which can be called or texted, is 988.

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While some states and counties are struggling to prepare for this new option, which as mentioned above launches this weekend, closer to home, nearly 100 counselors will be on call to assist those in need.

KCRG reports CommUnity Crisis Services of Iowa City will handle many of the eastern Iowa-based calls or texts to 988. According to the story, each counselor at CommUnity Crisis Services center is trained in suicide intervention and prevention and will be equipped to assist as needed.

CommUnity Crisis Services via Google
CommUnity Crisis Services via Google

According to the website for 988, there will be 200 different centers answering calls throughout the United States. For a largely rural state like Iowa, it's certainly nice to know that a trained counselor will be close by - not only in terms of accessibility but in proximity, too.

Another hope is 988 can divert some mental health calls that come to 911 operators.

The current Lifeline phone number for those who are in need is 1-800-273-8255. This number will always remain available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, even after 988 is launched nationally. (SOURCE: Suicide Prevention Hotline)

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