Hundreds Of Iowans Continue To Wait For Life Saving Surgery
One of the most gut-wrenching stories that we cover during our Radiothon for the Children's Miracle Network each year is those of kids waiting for a vital organ. Sometimes they are on the transplant list for months, maybe even years. Then, they get the call. There is no greater gift to be given than the gift of life. April is National Donate Life Month. Are you an organ donor?
Around 70% of Iowans are organ donors. I have been ever since I can remember. I just always thought that if I go, the least I could do is try and help sick people get better. Right now, there are over 700 Iowans awaiting such help. But can anyone be an organ donor?
The simple answer is yes, as long as you are in good physical and mental health and over the age of 18. Some medical conditions may not allow you to be a donor, while your overall condition at the time of your death also contributes to what organs are able to be used. The vast majority of Americans support organ donation, but many fail to take the stop of becoming a donor. Organ donors are often people who die suddenly. Their families are then faced with the decision on whether or not to donate at a time when they are grief-stricken and in shock.
If you are not an organ donor, get signed up to be one now. Just head to Who knows how many lives you could save.
[via KCRG,]