Does Sour Cream And Brown Sugar Ruin Strawberries? [VIDEO]
I absolutely love strawberries. I have my whole life. One of my parent's favorite stories of me as a child was when I sat down in our strawberry patch and picked and ate countless berries. How many did I eat? So many that I eventually developed hives. I had an allergic reaction to one of my favorite foods! Fortunately for me, I'm not allergic and I've loved strawberries ever since. Danielle has been bringing in 'Taste Bud Trivia' foods for us off a website with weird food combinations. Today's was a strawberry dipped in sour cream and brown sugar! Who tried that and decided it was good? The brown sugar on the berry was fine, but the sour cream did NOT bring all the tastes together. This is one strange food combo I won't be trying again.
If you have a strange or interesting food combination you'd like us to try on 'Taste Bud Trivia' you can always email us! Danielle is always hunting for fun new foods!