Brain’s Daughters Join The ‘Heart Hunters’
As my daughters sat at the table and cut out heart after heart, I asked them what this was for. Were they bored after another week of isolation inside the house? Was this some sort of remote school assignment? It turns out that they were joining a growing group called 'Heart Hunters'.
The 'Heart Hunter' movement was actually started in nearby Galesburg, Illinois. A Facebook group was started by Krista Wynes, and it encouraged parents and children to get together and make heart designs and attach them to the front windows of their home. Families are then encouraged to take their kids on a scavenger hunt and find other houses that are also 'House Hunters'. What started off as a local effort now has nearly 600,000 members from around the nation and the world!
As my daughters demonstrated on Sunday night, becoming a 'Heart Hunter' is relatively easy. It's a small thing that we can do to stay connected in this time of isolation. And keeping your kids busy cutting out hearts is also a bonus! You can join the 'Heart Hunter' Facebook group HERE! Get decorating!