Brain Tries New Secret Menu Sandwich So You Don’t Have To
Many fast-food restaurants offer what is called 'secret' menu items. Very rarely are they promoted by the actual restaurant. McDonald's recently revealed four secret menu sandwiches you can try starting today, January 31st. I thought I'd take a swing at one of them and let you know if you should order one yourself!
The land, sea, and air sandwich is consists of one Big Mac, one Fillet of Fish, and one McChicken sandwich. I purchased all three for $8.67.
Having all my ingredients in front of me, I referenced the image above from McDonald's of a completed land, sea, and air sandwich. Big Mac bun, McChicken, Big Mac patty and middle bun, Fillet of Fish, final Big Mac patty and Big Mac bun. Viola! It was a work of art!
O.K., a work of art might be stretching it a little bit. First of all the sandwich is too big to get inside your mouth, even after squishing down all the ingredients. Secondly, it just doesn't look that great. If I'm craving a Big Mac, I order a Big Mac...without the fish and chicken. I eventually deconstructed the sandwich and ate the parts I was interested in.
If you're a glutton for punishment and high-calorie counts, then I can see where this sandwich might interest you. But I think it's a hard pass for me on future editions of the land, sea, and air sandwich.