What Do Iowa Moms REALLY Want for Mother’s Day This Year?
Cards and flowers - those are the standard Mother's Day gifts that people give their moms each year. But what do moms really want? According to a new survey, the answer is sleep!
SleepZoo asked 1,200 U.S. moms what they would like for Mother's Day this year, and the #1 answer was "a good night’s sleep.” 37% of moms want sleep, 26% say they'd like a “day off from parenting to relax,” and 13% would enjoy a nice dinner date. Why did so many moms choose sleep? Probably because 31% of moms said they couldn’t remember the last time they slept a full 8 hours. I believe it!
We thought it would be fun to find out what moms here in Eastern Iowa would like for Mother's Day this year. Here are some of the results:
- Alisha Horton - "20 minutes alone!!"
- Cathy Covington - "A day with no cellphones"
- Kara Bentley - "A spa day and time without the kids to go shopping lol!"
- Nikki Shada - "Sit in Barnes and Noble with a coffee and look at books"
- Megan Sheneberger - "A massage and a nice bubble bath"
- Theresa 'Himes' Stacy - "Dishes and other chores done without any whining or eye rolling."
- Robin Jindrich - "What I request on Mother's Day is a nice brunch (not too early!) with my husband and adult son, a drink on a patio if it's a sunny day, then home to peace and quiet and a long nap! #Heaven"
- Laurie Murphy - "This is about the 5th year that I have sent my mom a priority mail package of Morel Mushrooms to Arizona. She likes it much better than a store bought gift."
- Stefanie Mehaffy -" One day where my 3 kids all get along and don’t fight all day."
- Cherish S Perry - "Day off of ALL mommy duties"
If you're a mom, we want to know what you're hoping for this Mother's Day! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!