Kirk & Mary Ferentz Settle Dispute With Neighbors
Kirk Ferentz and his wife Mary very nearly ended up in court as a result of a dispute with their neighbors. The trial was actually to begin today, but a resolution has been reached.
Early last month I told you about the dispute between the Ferentz's and their neighbors, which dates back to the head Hawk moving to Saddle Club Road years ago. Neighbors of the Ferentz family had filed a lawsuit for breach of contract and trespassing. They claimed Kirk and Mary wouldn't pay money for repairs of the road, as required in an agreement from the early 2000's and that the Ferentz's had put landscaping items in areas they shouldn't have. For their part, the Ferentz's said they were never part of the agreement, from 2001. Fast forward to now, and a resolution.
The attorney for the homeowners association, Adam Tarr, told the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier the neighbors,
look foward to working with the Ferentzes instead of against them.
Mark Roberts, who represents the Ferentz family, says
the neighbors will all be glad to resolve this matter without trial.
Now that's what I call two politically correct statements from lawyers. I don't think these families are going to be caught celebrating the holidays together but, hey, at least they've put this behind them for good... hopefully.