KHAK Among Stations Devastated on April’s Fools Day
April Fool's Day was no joke here at KHAK and our sister stations, and unfortunately, we're still dealing with it.
Monday morning at approximately 6:25, things started to go south when the KHAK in-studio computer system refused to respond to commands. When closed, the program wouldn't reopen. The nightmare had begun.
Within a short period of time, we would also lose our live streaming capabilities online and our other three stations (KDAT, KRNA, and i107.1 went down one by one). *Note: The stream is again live. We were able to play music off two other computers in the studio and then, suddenly, that music began to scramble on the air. What the...
So, we started to talk. The KHAK morning show, Brain and Courtlin, opened the mics at approximately 7:25 and were joined by me and Danielle a short time later. The talk show would continue until after 11 a.m., uninterrupted. At that point, we finally were able to start playing music again and a few hours later when onto a system backup.
That's where we are this morning, with us able to play music but presently unable to go on the air live. Needless to say, we continue to work feverishly to resurrect all these problems.
We're also unable to respond to emails at the present time so please reach out to us with a message on the KHAK app or via our Facebook page.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work through what's the largest number of simultaneous issues I've seen in more than 30 years in this business.