The Jackass crew, led by Johnny Knoxville, took over MTV in the early 2000s. Some people thought the show was hilarious and others thought the show was completely stupid but if you were in your teens or early 20s back then, you knew exactly who and what Jackass was.

*WARNING* Some Viewers May Find This Video Offensive. Please View At Your Own Discretion. 

This group of guys would pull pranks on each other, try crazy stunts, eat disgusting food, and hurt themselves...a lot, all in the name of entertainment. The Jackass team continues to film stunts and create movies as they released "Jackass Forever" in February of 2022.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder how most of these guys are still alive. Whether you're a fan of this type of entertainment or not, it's pretty hard to deny that they have captured some of the most insane stunts in the history of television. At the beginning of every episode, there is a WARNING to remind people not to try these stunts. They are either done by professionals or under the supervision of professionals.

When this show first came out...these guys were most definitely not professionals. I'm sure over time they've learned how to take falls or make these insane stunts a little more safe, but there's not a chance in the world they would be considered pros when the show first aired. YouTube is filled with "best of" Jackass moments and there's not a single one of those videos I'd be comfortable posting here. I will say that Johnny Knoxville being shot out of a cannon with wings strapped onto his back will forever make me laugh.

There are a few members from the infamous Jackass crew who will be performing in Cedar Rapids!

Three members from the Jackass franchise will be performing in Cedar Rapids on Saturday, October 28th, at the Classic Event Center. It will be a night of stand-up comedy, and stories shared by Wee Man, Preston Lacy, and Dave England. To make this deal even sweeter, every single ticket will include a Meet and Greet.

Tickets can be purchased at Ticket Bud and the show will begin at 8 p.m. General Admission tickets are $40 in advance, VIP Front Row is $50, and $50 tickets will be available at the door.

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