Iowa Ice Cream Shop Creates Busch Light Ice Cream in Support of Carson King
Every time I think the Carson King story has peaked something else happens that totally blows me away. And this is why Carson King will go down as an Iowa Legend.
There's an ice cream shop about 10 miles east of Des Moines in Carson King's hometown of Prairie City, Iowa called Goldie's Ice Cream Shoppe, and they're looking to throw their support behind Carson King.
They announced yesterday that have created a Busch Light flavored soft serve in his honor and would be available starting today. The best part, is that 100% of the sales going directly to Carson's Venmo account.
When we talked to Carson yesterday his Venmo account had reached about $1.1M and when asked how much he thought he'd finish with was around a total of $2.25M. Here's our conversation with him from Monday.