Every Thursday Brain and Steele read a letter from a listener who has a dilemma they need help with. After the letter is read, it's YOUR turn to help out with your thoughts and opinions about the situation. Welcome to the Counseling Corner.

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Hey Guys,

I wanted to send you an email to see if you could help out with a situation my husband and I are going through. We are 3 months pregnant with our first child. We are both THRILLED with this new addition to our family. The problem is...I REALLY want to find out the sex of our baby BEFORE it's born. My husband thinks we should wait until its born.

As you can assume, the reason I want to know is because it would be easier to decorate the nursery, pick out clothes, focus on names. He says waiting makes it even more exciting and dramatic. In talking it over this past weekend, we have come to a compromise. We both love your show and listen to The Counseling Corner every week. So...which ever side gets the most votes...we will go with!

Will you help us?

Steph & Curt

What our listeners think:

Stacey waited to find out with both of her kids and said it was the greatest surprise when they were born.

Laurie had some friends where he found out the sex of the baby but she didn't so they both got what they wanted.

Tom wanted to find out but his wife didn't when they were expecting their first child. He went along with it and said it was the best surprise of his life so when they were expecting their second child, they both happily waited.

Jennifer pointed out that finding out the sex from an ultrasound or at birth is a surprise for the couple either way.

Tracy commented: "I found out with 3 of my 4 children the sex of my child. I found it much more relaxing and easier to plan for my upcoming child. I say they should find out before their child is born."

Steele says:  I was really torn abou this and being that my wife and I don't have any kids, I haven't been faced with this dilemma.  I liked the suggestions that said which ever one of you wants to find out - find out and the other person doesn't.


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