Fox 28 Back On DirecTV
We can all watch football on Direct TV again!!!
According to CBS2, "Second Generation reached an accord with Direct TV and Fox 28 is back on the DirecTV System." The announcement came on Saturday, November 2.
That means we can watch KFXA on DirecTV! No more missing NFL games or the local news. The deal has been settled and everything is back to normal. It was getting pretty old and I'm glad it's finally settled!
This was a giant hassle for most of us with DirecTV. I'm guessing it was a money issue and I'm just glad the two sides could come to a conclusion and put the station back on the DirecTV lineup.
It was perfect timing, too. The station went live just in time for us to watch the Vikings meltdown and lose to the Kansas City Chiefs.
If you ask this Viking fan, we could have waited for another week to settle this.
[Source: CBS2]