If you haven't noticed, it's a little chilly outside. When I first lived in Cedar Rapids almost twenty years ago, I lived downtown, and my apartment was above the bus station. The station was right next door, and I could take the skywalk to work. I didn't have to go outside, which was quite nice on some days. Therefore, maybe you don't know it's super cold out.

If you need a place to warm up, there are many places to hang out in Linn County. The locations are listed below. Be safe.

What Are the Signs of Hypothermia?

The Mayo Clinic says hypothermia is when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it, causing the core body temperature to drop, and can be fatal if left untreated.  The signs of hypothermia can be:

  • Shivering: shivering is a common sign, though it may not be present in severe cases
  • Skin Color: skin may appear pale, cold, and dry, and may turn blue or gray. With infants, the skin could appear bright red
  • Movement: movement could be slow or uncoordinated
  • Speech: slow or slurred
  • Breathing: slow, shallow, or absent
  • Heart Rate: slow or weak
  • Mental state: The person may appear drowsy, confused, or have impaired judgment
  • Other Symptoms: numbness, glassy stare, apathy, exhaustion, or loss of consciousness

Where Can You Go to Warm Up in Linn County?

If you find yourself in that position, needing to warm up, there are places you can go around Linn County that will welcome you to warm yourself.

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The Linn County Warming Centers are at these locations.  Some of the hours could be impacted by holidays:

What Are the Signs of Frostbite?

Johns Hopkins Medicine says frostbite and hypothermia occur when skin is exposed to cold and body temperature falls. The signs they say are

  • Redness or pain in a skin area
  • White or grayish-yellow skin area
  • Numbness
  • Blisters
  • Black, dead skin and tissue

Yes, There is Help for Those in Iowa Without Heat

If you know someone who is elderly and relies on others for help, now might be a good time to check on them.  Sometimes, if you're on a fixed income, things go by the wayside, and heat might be one of those things.

Iowa has a program that can help those individuals, and that program is LIHEAP.  You can apply at these links if you are in need of assistance.

The Most Beloved Dives Bars in Eastern Iowa

According to an MSN article from Finance Buzz, the best dive bar in Iowa is Carl's Place in Des Moines! What are some of the best dives bars in Eastern Iowa? Here are some of the suggestions from a 2023 article by the Iowa Starting Line:

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

Palisades-Kepler State Park December 30, 2024

Early Morning hours just after sunrise at Palisades-Kepler State Park, I saw a few friendly faces.

Gallery Credit: Sloppy Joe

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