Cedar Rapids Schools Discuss Changes to Having Cops in Schools
The Cedar Rapids School District may be making some changes when it comes to having police officers in schools.
According to KCRG, the discussion comes following data that showed black students being disproportionately arrested. If a victim wants to press charges after an incident it counts as an arrest. Despite an occasional incident or arrest, the report states that the school resource officer program is in place to actually build relationships with children.
It is the best community outreach piece that this police department has. It touches the most kids by far of any program we have,” Lt. Cory McGarvey told KCRG.
The District laid out 14 recommendations on changes to the program in a board meeting earlier this week that has some officials worried about the program. Those changes included getting rid of the only two middle school officers at McKinley and Roosevelt. That has been put in place already. Another recommended change suggested officers wear soft gear instead of their normal traditional uniforms. All 14 of the recommended changes to the School Resource Officer Program can be found here.
There are definitely opinions on both sides. There are those who want police presence at school in case there's an issue with a student bringing a firearm into school, or if an incident breaks out. Opposers include some students who said having armed cops on campus who "can kill you" makes them uncomfortable.
The report states that the department believes that "creating relationships with students can ultimately help their perception of law enforcement down the road."
No decision has been made yet on the presented recommendations but there is expected to be a vote on them during an upcoming board meeting.