Cedar Rapids Ranks Near The Top In Cost Of Burial And Cremation
Saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy. And unfortunately, the price tag that comes with it often takes many families by surprise. In a time of grief and high emotions, paying the bill should be the last thing on a family's mind. But in Cedar Rapids, we have some of the highest costs for cremations and burials in the United States.
The website Funeralocity.com compiles and compares data from the nation's top 100 metro areas. On Tuesday, they released the numbers for the states with the most expensive cremation and burial costs. Iowa came in at number two for cremation costs with an average price of $3, 191. That's more than 50% higher than the national average. Reading, Pennsylvania came in number one.
Not counting cemetery costs, Cedar Rapids ranked number three for average full-service burial costs at $9,399, or 26% higher than the national average. Only Long Island, NY and Cape Cod, Mass. ranked higher in average cost.
[via Gazette]