Cedar Rapids Photo Pro Closing After Nearly Four Decades
On August 17, Photo Pro announced on their Facebook page that they'd be moving "due to circumstances beyond our control." Sadly, the longtime Cedar Rapids business has instead closed.
Photo Pro announced yesterday that they were closing the doors for good at 6 p.m. last night and that they'll be clearing everything out of the store at 153 Collins Road N.E. over the next week. The post went on to say that a different location, that was both workable and affordable, couldn't be found. They thanked everyone for offering possibilities and touched on the suddenness of the closure, which was described as "rather hard to process so quickly."
The post goes on to say,
We appreciate all your words of appreciation and support. We've been in business serving our local photography community for almost 40 years. We will miss all of you!
Photo Pro has been a mainstay and a teacher for thousands of eastern Iowans who wanted to up their photography game. Photo classes not only taught people the ins and outs of their cameras but also how to get them to take the best pictures possible. Owner Dave Johnson and his staff were always there to provide helpful input and advice, along with top-of-the-line products.
As customer Rob Miller posted on their page, "To Dave, Dave, Kim, and the entire team who've elevated Iowa's photography community--thank you from the bottom of my heart." Truer words were never spoken. Here's hoping an opportunity at a new location still presents itself.