'Bruno' is safe. The black bear that was seen in the state of Iowa nearly a month ago was tranquilized yesterday, in at least the fourth state of his travels.

I first reported on Bruno nearly three weeks ago after his adventures had brought him from Wisconsin to Illinois to Iowa. People went kind of berzerk across eastern Iowa following the bear's every move, and wanting to photograph it.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources literally had to threaten Iowans with tickets if they were caught photographing the bear while stopped. The risk was too great that the bear might be pushed into a public area. Thankfully, that was pretty much the end of Bruno's story in Iowa as he was peaceably allowed to continue his trek south.

Our Quad Cities says Bruno was first seen in Wisconsin on May 10. Just look at the trip Bruno has been on, having made it to Missouri on June 30, according to the Missouri Department of Corrections.

Sunday, Bruno was in Wentzville, Missouri, a very dangerous location for him with many interstates nearby. As a result, he was tranquilized, not far from I-70 and I-40/61. This video was shot last night as Bruno was being safely removed.

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) released the photo below just moments ago. They say, "MDC staff specially trained in wildlife handling successfully sedated the bear. The bear’s condition was monitored by MDC’s State Wildlife Veterinarian Dr. Sherri Russel. The bear was safely transported to an area of suitable habitat outside the urban area and was released unharmed when he awoke."

We're so glad Bruno is safe. That's what we all wanted for him... well, and to find a female bear which we're sure he will very soon.

Missouri Department of Conservation
Missouri Department of Conservation

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