Brains Daughters Write Heartwarming Valentines
The beauty of children is that they'll often times tell you exactly how they feel or what they think. There is no filter. Now sometimes that's good, and sometimes it isn't. My daughters made Valentines Day cards for Holly and me last night and when we opened them up our hearts swelled with pride.
Cayleigh made Valentines Day cards for a lot of people! Even our dog Rigby got a card. Inside, the message was similar, but I'm really happy that I got a Valentines rainbow in mine!
But Carly's card, or note, really got to me. Carly is very similar to me in that she wears her heart on her sleeve. If she is feeling something, she will tell you. Her note, complete with crossed out words, brought tears to my eyes.
That is what today is all about. Loving with your whole heart.Sometimes it takes kids to say what we all really mean. Happy Valentines Day!