When you hear about Apple releasing details about a new iPhone, you begin to think about how the new phone will look. What new designs will it feature? On Monday, Apple will release details on their newest iPhone. But the changes on this version are all on the inside.

Rumors have been flying around that Apple would be releasing a new iPhone aimed at consumers that don't like the larger screens of the iPhone 6. Monday's announcement will shed light on what Apple is calling the iPhone SE. On the outside it will look just like the iPhone 5s. But that's where the similarities end. This will basically be a smaller iPhone 6. It will have the latest processing chip, always on Siri, a 12-megapixel camera with 4k video and Apple Pay.

The new iPhone SE will also come in 16GB and 64GB versions, another upgrade over the iPhone 5s. This new iPhone will replace the 5s in Apple's lineup and will cost the same price at $450. Can I get an upgrade? Please?


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