Last night, a friend and I went over to the McGrath Amphitheatre in Cedar Rapids to go see a concert. I'm definitely hurting today, as it was a Tuesday night concert and I still had to get up at 4 a.m., but it was worth it to see the Goo Goo Dolls sing "Iris."

We got to the concert last night at about 7:45 p.m. while the opener Blue October was still performing, and as we walked across the back pathway, we couldn't help but notice something strange. In addition to the massive beer lines, there were these huge groups of people waiting to use the Porta Potties. We continued walking to the big bathroom building at the other end of the venue, where we were met with zero lines. Encountering no women's bathroom line at a concert is not something I'm accustomed to. We couldn't figure out why so many people were waiting for the Porta Potties when this new, clean, lit, line-free bathroom with actual sinks was available! I even took a picture to show how many stalls were open:


As it turns out, there are still quite a few people who aren't aware of the new bathroom building. We talked to a couple sitting in front of us, and the woman was shocked to hear that it was open. I'd like to think we saved one person from waiting in a huge clump of people to use a dark Porta Potty. A friend of mine told me that a similar situation happened to her at a concert she attended at the Amphitheatre earlier this summer, so she tried to share the bathroom news with as many people as possible. Yes, it might take an extra couple of minutes to walk to and from the building, but in my opinion, it's totally worth it!


If you simply prefer to use the Porta Potties, go for it! But I hope that this helps at least a few people out during their next Amphitheatre concert.

The ABCs of Iowa

I know Iowa may not be the most popular state to visit, but we still have plenty to offer! Using countless article, websites, lists, and maps, we put together a list of some of Iowa's best and biggest events, venues, and attractions using every letter of the alphabet (which wasn't easy)! Unfortunately, we couldn't include EVERY awesome place in the state (there aren't enough letters!), but here are our Iowa ABCs:

Cedar Rapids 1916 Authentic Bohemian Firehouse Airbnb

Photos of original 1916 Authentic Firehouse in NewBo

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