What’s the Best Way to Combat Itchy Mosquito Bites?
No matter how hard you try, sometimes you just can't avoid getting eaten alive by mosquitos!
This weekend I made a huge mistake. I went to my best friend's house for a bonfire on Saturday night, and we sat outside for a good three hours or so. At one point, somebody started passing around bug soother, and when I was asked if I wanted some, I DECLINED. I even made a comment about how I was surprised that I wasn't getting bitten by any bugs! Well, it turns out I WAS getting bitten by bugs, I just wasn't feeling it for some reason (my guess is the alcohol). Now I'm stuck with some horribly itchy mosquito bites, with one of them located right under my butt cheek. I've been walking around all week looking like I'm constantly scratching my butt and it's slightly embarrassing.
This is where I need your help. I've tried putting anti-itch cream on the bites, but it doesn't seem to be working. I keep waking up in the middle of the night scratching and it's driving me NUTS. Everybody seems to have their own way of dealing with the itchiness, so I'm looking to hear your best remedies! If you have a really good one, please post it in the comments! Thank you in advance :)
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