The Linn-Mar School District is Home to Our ‘Teacher of the Week’
It's time to honor another fantastic local teacher! This week's 'Teacher of Week' winner is Shelly Jelinek, a kindergarten teacher at Echo Hill Elementary School in Marion!
Shelly was nominated by Brooke Mullin, and this is what her entry said:
"As a parent, when you send your child to school for the first day of their first year of school, you want to know they are taken care of. That they are being taught by someone who is going to love them, help them grow, teach them kindness, be patient with them, and keep them safe. Mrs. Jelinek was all of this and more! She taught my oldest Oliver last year and now has my second, Winnie, this year. Kindergarten is scary and big and exciting for kids and moms and dads, and she does everything thing she can to ease worries and make things fun for both! From sending an email home almost EVERYDAY THE WHOLE YEAR to keep mom and dad happy, to printing photos off of the kids' families for them to look at if they get a little sad during the day, she does this and more - and on her own time! I feel so blessed that both of my children have been given the best teacher to start their educational journey. She builds a relationship with her students that is very personal and wonderful to see as a mother. She truly cares for her students and that is shown by their attentiveness in class, projects brought home almost daily, extra time she puts into her amazing classroom decorating/activities, and the joy on their face when they come home from school excited to talk about another day with Mrs. Jelinek. Please pick Shelly Jelinek for teacher of the week, she deserves it!"
For doing such a wonderful job, Shelly will be receiving a free massage or facial from Massage Heights, plus gift cards to Wild Hogs, Half Price Books, and Kathy's Pies!
Get your favorite teacher recognized by nominating them for 'Teacher of the Week' HERE!