The Back To School Moment That Made Brain Shed A Tear
The photos filled up your social media news feed. Yes, it's back to school season. My three kids all started classes in Marion Wednesday. This year I have 7th, 3rd, and 2nd graders. All three were excited to head back to class yesterday. And while I didn't think I'd shed any tears, there was one moment that caught me off guard.
Chase is our oldest. He's had the unenviable task of being the first to go through everything. Being the first child in a family has its up and downs. You're almost like a test pilot program for parents. Hey, we've never done this before! Let's make all our mistakes with the first kids so we can be better parents for the others! While I joke, there is a shred of truth to it as well. But through it all, Chase has been a pretty good kid. He gets good grades, stays out of trouble, and has a fun sense of humor that makes him fun to be around. Yesterday morning he was well rested and excited about school. He actually listened and followed directions as Holly and I hustled around trying to get three kids ready for school. That's when it happened.
I began to realize how much I was going to miss him. I know, he's only 13. But life with a teenager is already beginning. He doesn't want to 'hang with Dad' quite as much anymore. He's interested in girls (God help me) and sports and school leave him drained and sleeping in his spare time. In a few years he'll be driving and in just 5 years he'll be off to college and out of the house. I realized at that moment that I don't want that yet. I want as many moments with my son as possible. I want to goof around and play video games. I want to sit and watch football together. I want him to stay my 'little' boy.
I know that isn't how life works. It's my job to teach Chase how to transition from being my fun little boy, to a man. I want him to be the kind of person that others want to be around. I want him to be kind and compassionate. I want him to keep his sense of humor no matter what he faces. I want him to look back and realize how much fun it was to have him as my son. All parents say they can't believe how fast time flies by. It's true. Don't take a single moment for granted.