The passing of actor Chadwick Boseman caught me and most people off guard last Friday. The Black Panther actor was young, and seemingly had the best years of his life ahead of him. Instead, colon cancer took him from us at the age of 43. The shock and sadness reminded me of another young man who died too young. My old friend and morning show partner Scott Steele.

Boseman's passing was shocking because he didn't make his diagnosis public. He filmed numerous movies while undergoing surgeries and treatments. He never let anyone really know how sick he was. When Steele learned of his stage 4 colon cancer diagnosis, he called me and broke the news. I wasn't really sure how he would handle things on the air. But Scott's life was an open book. He let our listeners in on his diagnosis. He shared stories about losing his hair, getting chemo, and the days he didn't feel great. But just like Chadwick Boseman, Scott powered through the treatments and didn't let cancer keep him from working. Film fans didn't know of Boseman's surgeries and treatments. Many listeners didn't know the days that Scott was sick in the bathroom and then would come back in to do a break. They didn't know the painful neuropathy he had in his hands and feet. He was too much of a pro.

The other thing that Chadwick Boseman and Scott Steele have in common is that they left us far too young. Boseman was 43. Scott was only 45. Colon cancer is treatable when discovered early. But in its later stages in can prove deadly. Take the simple steps and get tested today. This will be the year that I do.

Ryan Brainard
Ryan Brainard

While the world mourns the loss of a super hero, I'll remember the first one I met. He was truly a man of Steele.


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