With the ups and downs in temperature that March brings, it's time to start thinking about another weather phenomenon that happens each spring. Tornadoes. On Wednesday, March 28th the National Weather Service in Des Moines will be conducting a statewide tornado drill.

You'll hear the sirens blare, but it will only be a test. But it won't be long and tornadoes will be something we need to keep an eye out for. According to the National Weather Service, there were 55 tornadoes in Iowa last year. It's also a great time to review what to do in case of a tornado. If you're at home, seek shelter in your basement or interior room away from all windows. If you're in your vehicle and can't make it to a shelter, either lay low in your car and cover your head, or exit the vehicle and take cover in a ditch or ravine.

A statewide tornado watch will go into effect Wednesday, March 28th at 10 a.m. with the test tornado warning happening at 10:30 a.m.


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