March For Babies With ‘Brain & Courtlin’s Baby Bunch’
The K-Hawk crew will again be joining the fight for healthy babies by walking in the March of Dimes March for Babies!
This year's event will be held at the Rockwell Collins Complex in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, April 22 and the K-Hawk crew will be there! We would love for you to join our team, 'Brain & Courtlin's Baby Bunch'.
It's really simple to join the bunch, all you have to do is click HERE and fill out all of your basic information. Once you're done with that, we just ask that you donate or raise $25 through online donations on your page. After your $25 is donated or raised, you'll get a team t-shirt that you can sport at the walk with us on April 22! It looks like this:
Join the K-Hawk crew in 'Brain & Courtlin's Baby Bunch' and help us support an incredible organization with the March of Dimes March for Babies. Get all the details on the event HERE.