Hailstorm Drops 3-Feet of Hail [VIDEO]
There are hailstorms and then there's what happened yesterday in Guadalajara, Mexico.
While the state of Iowa was dealing with the sweltering combination of hot temperatures and high dew points over the weekend, people in the Guadalajara area of southern Mexico woke up to as much as three-feet of hail Sunday morning. The Mexican Army and local authorities all worked to clean up the mess. Amazingly, no one was hurt. Have you EVER seen anything like this?
So what's ahead of us in Iowa this week? It's going to cool down. VERY. SLOWLY. Temperatures today will again be in the 90's with high dew points creating very uncomfortable conditions and heat indices right around 100 degrees. Rain chances increase as the week moves along and, even though there's a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms on the 4th of July, high temperatures will still be in the upper 80's. We won't see lower 80's until the end of the holiday weekend. Stay cool and here's hoping none of us see storms that drop hail like the above. The damaging winds yesterday were bad enough.