2020 continues to be the year that coronavirus stole from all of us. Concerts canceled and rescheduled. Many popular sporting events nationwide have either been called off or are in the process of being canceled. RAGBRAI is in the same situation.

KCRG TV reports that Iowa's annual bike ride across the state of Iowa will soon know it's fate as organizers have been meeting to discuss what to do in the face of the growing coronavirus pandemic. According to a statement of their website, RAGBRAI says that it has been in communication with towns and communities along its 2020 route. They've also spoken to sponsors, vendors, and other leaders on a nearly daily basis.

Officials with RAGBRAI say they intend to make a decision on the 2020 ride by April 20th. They say that the decision will be in the best interest of all parties involved in this year's ride.

RAGBRAI is scheduled to happen between July 19th and July 25th.


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