The up and down temperatures. The snow that piled up only to melt away. It all is hard on Iowa roads and that has a major problem popping up. Potholes. You've no doubt encountered them on streets within the city you live. This time of year, repair options are limited.

Street Operations manager for the city of Cedar Rapids, Mike Duffy, said that many bumpy roads in the city are scheduled to undergo repairs in the future. But there is only so much that crews can do during the winter months. He said that any repairs now are made as permanent as possible given the materials available. But more than likely, crews will have to return to make more repairs when winter is over.

The City has had trucks out since last Sunday finding potholes and fixing them the best that they can. Duffy added another problem has been all the plows on the city streets this winter. They can help bring moisture to the surface quicker, creating more potholes.

If you across a new or particularly bad pothole, Duffy urges residents to let the city know about it via the city of Cedar Rapids website or Facebook page.


[via KCRG]

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