The Cherry Hill Aquatics Center in Cedar Rapids was closed on Monday. The facility voluntarily shut down after a person who swam there came down with an illness known as Crypto. Crypto is a parasite that causes diarrhea.

It is not clear if that person contracted the illness at Cherry Hill Pool, but the center was closed on Monday as a precaution. The water at the center was then super chlorinated. That process can take up to 18 hours to ensure that the parasite or disease is killed. Staff raised the chlorine levels from five parts per million to 30 parts per million.

The Centers for Disease Control says that Crypto outbreaks are most common in pools. In an effort to make sure the parasite doesn't spread, officials urge swimmers not to go to a public pool until 2 weeks after having diarrhea. The only way that Crypto can spread is if a swimmer swallows pool water, so keep your mouth closed while enjoying the pool!

Cherry Hill Aquatic Center is scheduled to re-open later today.


[via KCRG]

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