My daughter Cayleigh taught me an expensive lesson yesterday. I've never bought an app for my smartphone. Everything I want or need I've been able to get for free, so I never set up a password or pin to protect purchases. Bad move. Horrible move. Expensive move. Cayleigh was playing a game on my phone yesterday afternoon when she suddenly just left my phone lying on the floor while she went off to do something else. When I picked up my phone I noticed I had an email confirming a purchase. I get these from time to time whenever Chase updates something on the Xbox. Even free items show up. When I opened up to see what was downloaded, I saw this.

Ryan Brainard
Ryan Brainard

Yep. Cayleigh bought $100 worth of coins on the game she was playing. Of course, I was furious. With her and myself. She knows better than to try and buy things on devices. I've always told them if they have a question about something bring it to me. So many games have 'in app purchases' that they tempt you with. It can be confusing for kids who may think that they're free and just part of the game. But the real fault lies with me in not setting up a pin or password for all purchases, free or otherwies.

Microsoft is refunding my 3 to 7 business days of course. I also set up my pin for mobile purchases. Learn from my mistake, or just laugh. Either way, lesson learned!


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