Our 2024 morning show Christmas gift exchange was a HUGE success!

For the past few years, Brain and I have come up with different themes to keep things interesting. We've done thrift store gifts, funny office decorations, and strange Christmas ornaments. This year's theme might be my favorite so far! For 2024, we decided to give each other weird t-shirts that we would be required to wear for the rest of the show.

There was really only one rule when it came to this year's exchange: it had to be radio appropriate. That eliminated a lot of hilarious options, but I think that challenge made it a little more fun! We just wanted to make sure we would be able to read the shirts on the air and post the photos online without getting into trouble...

I spent probably an hour looking at shirts online for Brain on a number of different websites. There were a handful that I had saved as "maybes," but when I saw the shirt I ended up buying, there was no doubt in my mind that it was the best option. A few years ago, I bought my best friend a couple of weird fridge magnets that I knew she would love. One of them was Danny Dorito, and the other one was Picolas Cage. I remember Brain also thinking they were hilarious, so when I saw this Picolas Cage shirt, I had to get it. Not only is it funny, but it's also one of the creepiest things I've ever seen!


When Brain was telling me about the shirt he got for me, he said that there were two that he couldn't decide between. After finally making his decision, the only clue that he gave me was that the shirt was very "on brand." I assumed that meant it would be food related. I was kind of right! Brain got me a shirt with a racoon eating garbage that reads, "stay trashy." He even got me matching earrings! It was PERFECT.


I'm already brainstorming ideas for next year's gift theme. Merry Christmas!

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Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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