In case you need something to do Saturday, something that'll make you feel good (and maybe wake you up a bit), we've got quite the recommendation.  It's time for Eastern Iowa's Polar Plunge, with locations at Palo and Coralville. I know what you're thinking... wait, Polar Plunge?  But there's no snow, the water's not frozen, etc.  So I ask you this: Have you been in the water yet?  I guarantee you it's pretty darn cold, as we haven't had enough days to warm it up yet.  Plus, frankly, it's safer at this time of year.  And regardless, the money all goes to a great cause, which is Special Olympics of Eastern Iowa.


Now if you're just finding out about this at the last minute, that's okay.  You can still raise funds and take the plunge.  All you need is $75 in donations.  That's it!  You can register online here for Cedar Rapids or here for Iowa City, or just bring any funds with you to your location on Saturday, as check-in/registration starts at 10:45a, with the plunge at noon at both sites.  You get a long sleeved shirt (which you'll want once you get out of the water), and lunch after the plunge, with music and prizes.

Wait, prizes?  Yup!  There's prize categories for the best costume (both team and individual), top individual fundraiser, top online fundraiser (as of April 7th), and top "Chicken" fundraiser.  Chickens are those, like me, who are too chicken to jump in the water, but still want to raise money to help out.  Also, for ebery $75 you raise, your name is entered into the door prize raffle drawing.

So crazy fun, food, music, prizes, and all for a good cause... sounds like a fun Saturday!


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