With all the heavy rain we've received in the month of May & June, Mosquitos are out in full force! Mosquitos lay their eggs in standing water and they will continue to hatch in a 4 to 5 day life cycle. Minimizing popular mosquito breeding areas and hangouts is one thing you can do help reduce them at your home.

Vegetation and high grasses areas are places mosquitos hangout during the day. Keeping things pruned and your lawn cut short will help reduce them.

Dump any standing water. It only takes about a bottle cap size of water for them to find an area to lay their eggs.

To keep them from biting I've found Deep Woods Off to work the best. You can make your own repellant with ingredients you probably already have at home. Mix 1/3 each of Epsom salt, mouthwash, and beer, and put it in a spray bottle to use on yourself. Another option is to puree garlic and mix in a spray bottle with water. This will also help keep vampires away too!

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