Woman Has a Maternity Photo Shoot at Taco Bell [PHOTOS]
Do you ever see a headline and think to yourself, "this could easily be written about me?" Well, that almost happened to me this morning, until I remembered that I'm not pregnant. A Georgia woman by the name of Kristin Johnston is making national headlines after photos from her maternity shoot went viral. Why, you ask? Well, because she took them at TACO BELL. Just look at these beauties:
I've seen senior photos taken at Taco Bell, prom photos taken at Taco Bell, and even wedding photos taken at Taco Bell, but never maternity photos! In an interview with TODAY, Kristen talked a little bit about her inspiration. She said, "I thought, ‘Where have I spent the majority of my time other than my bed or sofa?' I just love Taco Bell." Dressed up in pearls and a long red dress, Kristen just showed up and started taking photos. The staff seemed to be ok with it!
33-year-old Kristen gave birth to baby Teddy on January 4th, and stopped at Taco Bell on the way home from the hospital. Now that's dedication!
Read more about Kristen's story and see photos HERE.