Why I Wear A Mask
I wear a mask when I go out in public. I wear one when I have to go to a store like Hy-Vee or Wal-Mart. When I go to these places I see plenty of people who are choosing not to wear a mask. What do I think when I see those people? Well, I wonder to myself what information they are choosing to believe. Only in 2020 could a cloth face-covering become a wedge issue. But we shouldn't let it. Because a mask isn't a political statement. It's a health statement.
Who do I get my health information from? From people who have gone to school for years to become a doctor. Yes, I listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is on President Trump's coronavirus task force. He recently spoke to Newsweek and had the following to say about wearing a mask. Dr. Fauci said that there are things that individuals should be doing to help stop the spread of the virus. Social distancing, avoiding large crowds, and yes, wearing a mask when out in public. He said a good reason for the mask is even when you are social distancing, you could quickly come up on someone and suddenly you're one or two feet apart. The mask acts as a sort of backup in that situation.
Dr. Fauci told CNN that he always wears a mask in public because he wants to protect himself and others. He conceded that masks are not 100% effective, but they are valuable safeguards against the virus and show "respect for another person." Imagine that. Respect for your fellow man, woman, and child. The CDC recommends wearing a mask because it can help slow the spread of the virus from people who have the virus and don't know it yet, or from people who end up being asymptomatic.
And believe it or not, most of America agrees. A recent Quinnipiac Poll found that 64% of people in the U.S. believe that everyone should be wearing a mask out in public.
So why do I wear a mask? Because if my wearing a mask stops even one person from getting sick, it was worth it. I wear a mask for people like my mom and dad, and my in-laws, who are older and have some health conditions that COVID-19 doesn't get along with. I wear a mask to let people know that I care about their health and safety. Some of you don't wear them at all, saying that it's your choice. What about someone at risk who doesn't have a choice? What if you're a carrier and don't know it. What do you say to people about not wearing a mask then?
Whether we like it or not, masks are now a part of our lives. Wearing one isn't a political statement. What is says is, 'I care."