President Donald Trump has scheduled a campaign rally on October 9th in Council Bluffs. Not something to be shocked about since we're closing in quick on the November midterm elections. But it's another announcement that day that should peak the interest of Iowans, especially farmers.

The President dropped a bit of a hint Monday as he spoke about a potential trip to Iowa where he would announce "something very important". This pronouncement came as the President touted his new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico. Officials aren't confirming anything just yet, but they're hopeful the big announcement will have to do with E-15.

E-15 is gasoline that is blended with 15% ethanol. You've probably seen it at the gas station you fill up with. Perhaps you use it yourself. But did you know that you can not use E-15 gasoline year round? Current law prohibits the sale of E-15 during summer months because of concerns it aids in the production of smog. But new studies have shown that is simply not the case. President Trump has stated before that he plans on getting E-15 approved for year-round use, but so far the promise has come to fruition.

Officials hope that along with campaigning for Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and other Iowa Republicans, the President will also do something great for Iowa farmers and ethanol producers too. We'll find out October 9th.


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