A popular restaurant will be returning to its former location in 2020!

According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, a new Maid-Rite will be opening at 1000 Seventh Ave. in Marion at the end of the year. The Gazette reports:

"The restaurant is being brought back by co-franchise owners Joe Hill, of San Diego, Calif., and Jamie Hoth, owner of Select Construction Inc. in Marion, after its doors closed three years ago."

The new owners originally had plans to open a new restaurant at the location, but eventually decided to bring back the Marion favorite. The former owner Ellie Osborn Riley closed the restaurant back in January of 2017 after 31 years in business, but not because it was struggling to get customers. She was just looking for a change. Joe Hill spoke to Ellie and her daughters Teri Entas and Nicole Ashby about his plans and says they have been very supportive and given their blessing.

Although the restaurant is still under the Maid-Rite umbrella and is going to be located in the same building, there are going to be some changes. First of all, it's going to be getting a new name. We spoke to co-owner Jamie Hoth this morning, who revealed to us that the Marion Maid-Rite will become the City Square Maid-Rite. The restaurant and restrooms will also become ADA compliant. In addition to those changes, the building will be getting a total makeover, with a potential banquet room and arcade on the first floor. Here's an idea of what it will look like, courtesy of Martin Gardner Architecture:

Martin Gardner Architecture
Martin Gardner Architecture

As far as the food goes, the recipes will stay the same, with the addition of breakfast. The menu will include Maid-Rite sandwiches, tenderloins, onion rings, pasta, soup, ice cream, and other desserts. Joe and Jamie hope to have the restaurant open in December of this year.

To read more on the new City Square Maid-Rite coming to Marion, check out the Gazette article HERE.

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